MeAccs®- A Start-Up Ecosystem

Start-up Ecosystem

An Ecosystem/Platform for discussing and executing your ideas including Fundraising, Mentorship, Advisory, Consulting for Startups, Helps Collaborate or find co-founder(s).

A Platform for Entrepreneurs

Connecting you with Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists to invest in your startup.

Have a Start-Up Idea?

We Validate

Idea validation means validating and testing your idea prior to launching your start-up. It is advisable to validate and research on ideas or get it validated by an expert before it fails.

What is the need for idea validation?
Every idea needs validation to understand all types of inherent risk associated with it or its related market or launching the product, if you have got it right from the beginning.

Discuss it with your friends or family or expert who have some understanding or exposure related to business or its understanding “as there is always a scope for improvements or rectification in the business idea and taking the right approach”.

However, it is always advisable to get it validated through an expert.
As we see many ideas from our clients who keep on thinking about their idea day and nights but when they come to us for detailed discussion for analysing its viability then they understand the depth of how to run business and then they think it’s difficult to execute.
Just like we say that never take chance with your health and consult a doctor immediately before it turns out very bad similarly for any idea we quote “Never let it die, immediately consult a mentor and then plan it with an expert”.

Never allow anyone’s negative feedback to vanish your entrepreneurial dreams, in fact, nothing should deter you from pursuing your dream. Ideas fail because the process of getting them to market can seem very hard. In reality, if you validate your idea and prove that it has worth beyond the bar napkin or sticky notepad on which it is scribbled, the process thereafter actually gets much easier.

We Research

Research on Idea & market refers to a way of analysing and understanding it very deeply and it is also very important as no idea can be executed until you have proper research team or you have done research analysis of your idea. It is advisable to validate by researching on your idea or get hands-on research reports performed by an expert before it fails.

We Execute

Execution of idea is the most complicated ending process to help it put through actual execution and understanding the requirements as what it takes to build a new company from scratch & finding cofounder(s)(if not available already) and planning to build first product or prototype to launch in the market, and pricing it rightly before launching in the market so that you can compete with existing market players by minimising losses. It is advisable to get mentorship/guidance from mentors or get hands-on industry consultants before it become a failure.

When you find an idea that you just can’t stop thinking about,
that’s probably a good one to pursue.

Josh James, Omniture CEO and Co-Founder

Brings to you

A Complete Start-up Ecosystem, that covers

Start-up Accelerator

MeAccs is a premium class start-up accelerator. It is a structured network of startups that facilitates following people:

  • Founders
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Mentors
  • Investors
  • Job Seekers
  • Other Professionals
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

MeAccs is an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem for start-ups that provides entrepreneurs with mentorship & guidance. We have our Directors, Mentors and Funding Consultants expanding constantly PAN India.​

Right Match

MeAccs provides a managed platform for Right match for your business needs. We ensure that you get matched to credible and verified people from our ecosystem.

All the deals are managed by our efficient team members.

Right match


MeAccs facilitates fundraising for startups. We have our own Angel Network and Investment Banking services. We are connected to Angel Investors & VCs that ensures that our member startups have easy access to external funds to scale up constantly.​

Start-Up Ecosystem

Approach Us

Feel free to discuss your Idea with us. We will keep it secret.